Friday, October 8, 2010

Branching Out With Shading

I tried to get down an expression of suffering and capture,  I don't really know how well I got it though.   The tree is divided into two parts, the bare skeleton hand emerging and grabbing the flourishing angel.  I tried to make it feel like the hand was jealous of the angel's beauty and is trying to keep her close to itself and try to gain it's leaves and flowers.


  1. This has great expression. I like how you shaded the hand to look darker, not just in color but in "attitude", menacing.

  2. Kind of creepy in a cool way! I like how the tree roots are in the shape of a hand coming up and then inside the trunk you have another hand holding her. The hole in her chest makes it seem like her heart is missing. What does the tiny patch of sky signify?

  3. WOW! I really really really like this this! Totally unexpected but yet original!

  4. Nice drawing and shading. Feels so creepy, yet sad. The roots coming up from the water are almost like a spider's legs /shudders. Very cool.
